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Further Information

Artificial intelligence is a very dynamic field of knowledge. Therefore, the following list of sources must always be considered outdated. Current links can be found, for example, in the Daily Papers from Hugging, the community artificial on Reddit and the hashtag #GenerativeAI on Linkedin. Also subscribe to newsletters, hashtags, blogs, vLogs and podcasts to stay up to date.


  1. Holtel, S.: Is the end of experts looming?: ChatGPT and the future of knowledge work, Vahlen, 2024. (*)
  2. Lenzen, M.: Der elektronische Spiegel: Menschliches Denken und künstliche Intelligenz, C.H.Beck, 2023. (*) (Podcast episode with the author)
  3. Wolfram, S.: The secret behind ChatGPT: How AI works and why it works (*)
  4. Zweig, K.: The AI did it!: From absurd to deadly: The pitfalls of artificial intelligence, Heyne, 2023. (*)


  1. Brynjolfsson, E., (2023): Generative AI at Work (N=5,179) - 14% more productivity in customer service through generative AI
  2. Fraunhofer IAO (2024): Potentials of Generative AI for SMEs
  3. bidt (2023): Distribution and acceptance of generative AI in Germany and in German workplaces (N=3,000)
  4. McKinsey (2023): The economic potential of generative AI - Generative AI brings the greatest value to customer service, marketing & sales, software development and research & development


  1. AI Applications and Prompt Engineering - 1-week course with 5-10 hours from edX
  2. Artificial Intelligence for Beginners - Learning path with eight modules from Microsoft (Mindmap to the course)
  3. Elements of AI - Course from the University of Helsinki on topics related to machine learning and neural networks
  4. Get started with Copilot for Microsoft 365 - free course from Microsoft on Copilot for Microsoft 365
  5. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python - 7-week course (10-30 hours/week) from Harvard University
  6. Introduction to Generative AI - learning path with five modules from Google
  7. AI for Everyone - Free course by Andrew Ng on Coursera
  8. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Practice - four-week free course from openHPI that teaches you how machine learning works in practice without any technical background knowledge
  9. Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT - free online course from Vanderbilt University on Coursera
  10. What does generative AI mean for our society? - four-week free course from openHPI on the opportunities, risks and fields of application of technologies such as ChatGPT


  1. Awesome Generative AI - curated link list with projects and services on Github
  2. KI-Campus - learning platform for artificial intelligence, Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
  3. Mozilla AI Guide - AI Basics - Course from Mozilla on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Large Language Models and related technologies
  4. Futurepedia - directory of AI tools that is updated daily
  5. Hugging Face Daily Papers - daily updated articles on AI from the scientific community (email notification available)
  6. AI for Work Top 100 - Top 100 most used AI Tools for work

Weblogs und News:

  1. Generative KI in Unternehmen Blog - Blog der Firma ambersearch zum Einsatz generativer KI in Unternehmen
  2. Generative KI - News-Seite auf Linkedin
  3. Generative AI @ Forrester - News zu Generativer KI auf
  4. GPTech Blog - Weblog zu Generativer KI für Noobs und Pros (Flagship Post: Was ist Generative KI? Ein umfassender Leitfaden für jedermann)
  5. SCIL Blog Kategorie AI/KI, Kategorie AI-KI im Blog des Swiss Competence Centre for Innovations in Learning (SCIL) der Universität St.Gallen
  6. There's An AI For That - News-Seite auf Linkedin


  1. KI Update - Podcast by Heise on the consequences of generative AI for our work, our free time and society
  2. KI Verstehen - Podcast by Deutschlandfunk with weekly answers to questions about dealing with artificial intelligence.
  3. Latent Space - The AI Engineer Podcast - the podcast by and for AI engineers (technical)
  4. Lex Fridman Podcast - follow along with well-known people in the AI scene
  5. The Next Wave - Podcast with Matt Wolfe and Nathan Lands

Videos & vLogs:

  1. Generative AI in a nutshell - Informative explanatory video in sketchnoting/graphic recording style by Henrik Kniberg (18 min.)
  2. Smart New World - The AI Race - Arte documentary presenting the current race of nations for the leading role in AI with examples and interviews of well-known AI personalities (1h 28 min.)


  1. artificial - community on Reddit where many links and news are shared
  2. LAION - non-profit organization that offers open data sets, tools and models for AI and runs a community on Discord
  3. Hugging Face - open source community for sharing code repositories, models, datasets and apps for machine learning

*Note: Links marked with an asterisk are affiliate links.
