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AI Application Areas

Fields of application for artificial intelligence

For generative AI, there is unfortunately not yet a nice diagram similar to the AI Landscape of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) that shows in which areas of our lives and work AI plays or can play a role. On the Hugging Face platform, the Classification of Models provides a categorization of fields of application for artificial intelligence, albeit a very technical one. McKinsey describes possible fields of application in the article What's the future of generative AI? in more detail:

Modality/Field of application Example
Create content Communication: Create personalized emails and posts
Personnel: Create interview questions and job descriptions
Chatbots and assistants Kommunikation: Chatbots für Webseiten im Internet und Intranet
Search Natural language search instead of keyword search
Analysis and synthesis Sales: Analyze customer interaction
Legal: Summarize laws and regulatory documents
Create code IT: Application development
IT: Enabling low-code and no-code
Create prototypes of applications and designs IT: Design prototypes and user interfaces quickly
Datensätze generieren IT: Improving AI model quality through data sets
Create images Communication: generate unique images (instead of stock photos)
Edit images Communication: Remove or change image backgrounds
Generate text-to-speech Training: Creating voiceover voices
Generate sounds Media: Generate background noise or music
Edit audio Communication: Editing podcasts without a new recording
Create video Training: create short educational videos with AI avatars
Edit video Marketing: Personalize standard videos
Communication: Remove backgrounds from videos
Translate and adapt language Communication: Dubbing, replace original language with voiceover
Meetings: Live translation in meetings
Swapping faces and making adjustments Communication: Translation with changes in lip movement for other languages
3D & VR
Generate 3D objects Video games: Create characters and objects
Designing products and making them tangible Product development: speed up the development process

As described in the HBR article Where Should Your Company Start with GenAI?, organizations and all individual knowledge workers should find out whether and how their activities are affected by generative AI. The article suggests the WINS meme, which you can use to check how much effort your own activities involve in dealing with texts (Words), images (Images), numbers (Numbers) and audio (Sounds). The degree to which you are affected depends on the effort and degree of digitization in the respective activity.

If you do not have a personal knowledge map with an overview of your tasks, you can use the categories of knowledge-intensive activities of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training as a starting point:

  1. research
  2. develop
  3. research
  4. documenting
  5. training
  6. teaching
  7. organizing external work processes
