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Review And Lessons Learned (Kata 12)

Review and Lessons Learned (Kata 12)

The time has come. After 12 weeks, the last round of the learning path is coming to an end and it's time to review these weeks. At the end, you are welcome to discuss what the biggest insights, surprises or challenges were for you in dealing with AI.

The following questions can serve as a common thread:

  • What do you take away as key experiences / highlights from the last few weeks?
  • What were the most important milestones / development steps for you?
  • What did you miss or fall short of in the Circle or when creating with the help of AI?
  • What plans do you have for your topic / project in conjunction with your AI and what would you like to achieve next?
  • What activities or requirements could there be in the future to link your human and artificial intelligence even better?

Tip: The review was very much about how you perceived and interpreted your learning journey and your experiences. However, you can imagine that another person may have perceived and interpreted the same results very differently. Use a chat-based AI to generate other perspectives. First describe your learning journey in a matter-of-fact way, including important events. Then write how you perceived and evaluated your learning journey. Then ask the AI to invent three people with different personalities and simulate for them how they would have assessed your learning journey.

Final tip: Celebrate success Yay, hooray, you did it - you studied together for several weeks/days, you didn't give up, you kept at it and you learned so much about AI and prompting, not just theoretically, but hopefully in practice too! And during this time you have built up a relationship of trust with each other that is at least as valuable as the work you have done together and from which you will benefit for a long time to come. So now is the time to celebrate your success. Perhaps get together for a small final event (in person or online) and enjoy your learning success! The AI can be a good source of ideas for this. The guide team wishes you much joy and success in the future and looks forward to your feedback!

One last small request: open the page for this guide on and leave a rating (e.g. thumbs up) and a comment with feedback at the bottom. This way, the team of contributors and other learners can benefit from your experience. Thank you very much!
