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Confident Prompting Part 1 (Kata 10)

Confident prompting part 1 (Kata 10)

In Kata 7, the effective collaboration between humans and AI was discussed and it was shown that the correct use of AI systems can increase productivity. You also learnt a structured approach - consisting of persona, introduction, individual content, format and additional information - to create better prompts. This kata builds on these foundations and focuses on advanced techniques for creating prompts.

Read the chapter Create prompts first!

Task: Prompts with multiple subtasks

The use of multi-level prompts is suitable for processing complex tasks and requests. They consist of a structured series of subtasks to achieve a specific result and are particularly useful when a single request is not sufficient to gather the required information or solve a complex problem.


  1. Goal definition Start with a clear definition of the goal. You can use the structure described in [Kata 7], for example.
  2. Divide into subtasks Derive smaller subtasks from the goal, each of which is geared towards a specific aspect of the overall task. Write a separate instruction for each subtask.

Example: Creating a concept for a learning event

Objective: To create a concept for a half-day learning event in a company in which participants learn about the application and possibilities of generative AI and try it out in practice. The event should be interactive and suitable for beginners.


  1. create a presentation title and outline for a short introduction to the basics of generative AI, including its main application areas such as text and image generation.
  2. think of 3 practical exercises that the participants can use to try out the content themselves in a low-threshold way.
  3. create key points for a motivating closing speech to be given by the entrepreneur's board of directors.
