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Consolidation Of Your Learning Objective (Kata 6)

Consolidation of your learning objective (Kata 6)

Last week, you learnt about the different categories and fields of application to which most AI tools can be assigned. You also asked yourself whether and how individual tools can support you in your work. You received the answer to these questions by formulating concrete application scenarios for your practice/your work and optionally using and testing individual tools.

Review your experiences from the last week and think about the overarching learning objective of this guide. The aim is to create a blog post (see also Webblog) with the help of AI or alternatively your personal learning project.

Task: Outline your blog post/learning project idea

  • What exactly should your blog post or learning project be about?
  • How should your blog post or learning project be structured and what elements should it contain?
  • Which AI tools can help you with which elements? At this point, use the information on the categories from [Kata 5] once again

Task: Start a first attempt at realisation

Once you have answered these questions, select suitable categories and fields of application from the [Kata 5] that you need to realise your idea with the corresponding tool available.

And off you go! We hope you enjoy the next steps in realising your idea!

  • Note: The length of the blog post / learning project is just as irrelevant as the quality of your writing. What matters is that you deepen your experience with AI tools and get a good feel for the opportunities and challenges.
  • Note (only for the practical "blog post" variant): If you do not have access to a real blog post, you can also create or prepare the article in a common word processing programme.

Deep Dive: AI as a feedback partner

The AI can support you further as a feedback partner. Share your previous results with it and get feedback on what you can improve. In this context, you may also want to use the findings from Kata "AI as a dialogue partner" again.
