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Fields Of Application In Your Own Workplace (Kata 5)

Fields of application in your own workplace (Kata 5)

In a previous kata, we discussed AI tools & services for the first time. In this kata, we want to take this up again and go into it in more depth by linking it to real, practice-orientated AI application fields. Basically, AI tools can be assigned to the following categories:

  1. AI tools for code (support for prompting)
  2. AI tools for text (text generation and editing)
  3. AI tools for images (image generation and editing)
  4. AI tools for audio (sound generation and editing)
  5. AI tools fpr video (video generation and editing)
  6. Multimodal AI tools (tools that make various of the above categories usable in combination)

You know your workplace / project and the associated activities best. Think about which of the tool categories are or could be important for you and your work. For example, if you work a lot with texts (whether reading, writing or summarising), AI-supported text tools will most likely be of particular interest. If, on the other hand, you work a lot with audio and/or video (e.g. with a view to creating digital learning content or designing marketing activities), it is best to take a special look at AI-supported audio and/or video tools.

Task: Get to know AI application areas

To help you get started, use the compilation of possiblities in the chapter AI application areas. Take a look at these at your leisure and think about which application areas arise for your workplace / project.

Task: Formulate application scenarios

Formulate 2-3 short application scenarios (use cases) and describe the specific work steps in which AI tools from the above categories and fields of application could help you.

  • Example 1: "I regularly write interview transcripts as part of my work. AI-supported audio tools could ideally help me to record conversations and summarise them in conjunction with AI-supported text tools."
  • Example 2: "Part of my job is to enrich texts from our marketing department with suitable visual material. AI-supported image tools could support me in designing suitable motifs that are adapted to our communication guidelines."

Deep Dive: two additional tools

Decide on at least two tools that you would like to test. Gain access to these tools. If this is not feasible, for example for cost and / or authorisation reasons, look for alternatives that fulfil the same purpose. Once you have found suitable tools, try them out in the application scenarios you have described. Make a note of your experiences and share them with other interested parties.
